Emergency and Urgent Care Expert Witness

Looking for an expert witness physician to opine on physician assistant or nurse practitioner supervision in the ER or urgent care?

Wondering if the urgent care provider should have transferred to the patient to an emergency department?

Not sure if your client received the standard of care expected for the emergency room or urgent care?

Contact Dr. Zheng for answers

Dr. Zheng is an award-winning board-certified emergency physician, currently in active clinical practice in the emergency department and urgent care. She is the Medical Director of Quality for one of the largest healthcare systems in San Diego, California, responsible for improving patient safety and helping practitioners deliver quality care. As the Medical Director of the Point Loma Nazarene University Physician Assistant program, she is an expert on physician assistant education and supervision. She was the emergency medicine expert for the Veterans Administration (VA) Office of Inspector General. She has published more than 30 government reports, briefed members of Congress, and defended her reports. She has won medical school teaching awards, a public speaking award from the American College of Emergency Physicians, and the VA Inspector General’s highest award for “dedication to the highest standards of professionalism, character, and integrity.” She has also opined on numerous expert witness cases.